Empowering Associations to Enhance Member Engagement

  Bring your idea to life by creating your organization for FREE

  Register your existing organization to improve member engagement and increase revenue

Try for Free

Experience greater and smarter growth today with MemberLynk.

Download our App from iOS and Google Play Store for Free

Google Play App Store

Improve Member Engagement and Increase revenue

MemberLynk is FREE for Associations:

Create Businesses

Manage all your businesses at one place

Create groups

Improve discussions by creating different groups

Create Events

Engage members by creating events and experience member growth

Enhance Member Communication

Stay connected via DM or send broadcast messages, emails and texts easily.

Create New Group/ Organization and start something meaningful

MemberLynk is FREE for Associations

Create Events

Individual can create events and find new people to enjoy with!

Create Organization

Add businesses to your organization.


Members can collaborate by posting their thoughts and have one on one chat

Create groups

Have discussion with people around you with similar interest.

Contact Us

Want to know how MemberLynk can help your business?

Call Us

(773) 368-0620


904 S. Roselle Rd, # 341
Schaumburg, Illinois 60193

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM to 5PM
Sunday: 9AM to 1PM

Member Engagement Member Retention Aditional Revenue Community Outreach